Sitemap - 2022 - Money Talk

MT Digest - You can charge your electric car for free in lots of places

MT Week - Santander Edge: A current account offering up to £240 cashback

MT Digest - Poor credit score will probably cost you an extra £693 a year

MT Week - Best savings accounts (with interest rates of up to 5.12% AER)

MT Digest - Air fryers are probably not going to save you a lot of money

MT Week - One4all: the tax deductible gift card for limited companies

MT Digest - Going part-time can improve your pension apparently

MT Week - How to use double porting to get a great mobile phone deal

MT Digest - There’s a sort of postcode lottery on energy prices

MT Week - How to get a good mortgage deal as interest rates rise

MT Digest - A mini-budget special

MT Week - Your Amazon credit card will stop working later this year

MT Digest - Personal inflation calculators are a thing these days

MT Week - What happened when I dipped my toes into investing

MT Digest - Introducing a new Money Talk format

MT Week - Can you save money by investing more passively?

MT Week - My Nutmeg investment is doing great, but I’m thinking about leaving

MT Week - How my PensionBee portfolio performed after a year

MT Week - What happened when I transferred my pension to PensionBee

MT Week - Is PensionBee really the best pension provider for freelancers?

MT Week - What happens when you have too much debt?

MT Week - 6 things you can do to help yourself out of debt

MT Week - Some options for getting out of debt

MT Week - What happens when you go to a debt charity for help?

MT Week - How much can you pay into a pension each year?

MT Week - Are small pot pensions better than merging them?

MT Week - What every self employed person should know about mortgages

MT Week - Should you go for a long or short mortgage?

MT Week - What can you expect from the Cost of Living Payment?

MT Week - A little announcement (or two)

MT Week - Cheapest mobile networks for travelling

MT Week - Best credit and debit cards for travel

MT Week - How to choose the right travel insurance

MT Week - 8 things to do before you go on holiday this year

MT Week - How to watch TV and films for free

MT Week - How to choose a financial adviser

MT Week - Are Premium Bonds worth it?

MT Week - Five things you might want to do after the Spring Statement

MT Week - Current accounts that give you rewards

MT Week - The current accounts with the best interest rates

MT Week - Can you benefit from an umbrella company?

MT Week - How to enter competitions and actually win

MT Week - Could you benefit from a self-invested personal pension (SIPP)?

MT Week - Holiday planning when you’re self employed

MT Week - What’s the deal with sick pay when you’re self employed?

MT Week - Three things you should be claiming in your tax return

MT Week - New savings accounts with prize draws

MT Week - Self employed vs limited company: which is right for you?

MT Week - Why you should be setting financial goals

MT Week - New Year, new changes